We are grateful to note your renewed loyalty year after year, confident in our ability to bring your large-scale technological projects to fruition. Here is an overview of our most significant achievements over the past year:

Migration and complete overhaul of Sport Excellence 

Over the course of the year, we undertook the complete migration and redesign of Sport Excellence, completing the exciting challenge in just nine weeks!

The project involved custom integration to ensure perfect synchronization between Shopify Plus and the two POS systems in operation (Lightspeed and ChainDrive), in order to efficiently manage thousands of SKUs.     

Molsoft simplified the shipping and fulfillment process for the 168 stores by integrating the Machool system for all Canadian orders and ShipStation for all U.S. orders. This also improved tracking and control of shipments, while allowing each store to see only the orders addressed to them.

In addition, Molsoft designed a fully customized online experience for Sport Excellence. This included a custom theme that organized their many products in a way that felt like a Sport Excellence expert giving you an in-store tour.

Our favorite aspects of the project:

  • Order routing management
  • Custom POS connector

Find out by visiting the site.

Sport Excellence

Mincart V3 launch 

Our Mincart application has had a facelift with its 3rd version, enhanced in terms of functionality and design. This application enhances your online store and/or B2B strategy by enabling companies to easily set minimum and maximum order limits. 

New features include 

  • Limits by multiple

You can now set limits by multiples of price, quantity, number of single items, or weight in all limit types.

  • Activation rules

Activation rules let you define rules that decide whether or not your limits should be active. Currently, these rules can be based on the customer's label, the current time, and whether or not other limits are respected.

  • For Shopify Plus users, you can also activate limits based on information entered by the customer at checkout.

Download the application and discover the many possibilities.

Order Limits

Launch of Parmi Lifewear

In March, we inaugurated a new adventure with the launch of the Parmi brand. Our team worked closely with Parmi to create a distinctive brand identity, implementing innovative technological solutions to ensure a successful launch. We're proud to see Parmi gain visibility and success. When you think of Parmi, you think of the great outdoors, quality, and sustainability! 

Our favorites from the project: 

Visit their site now and discover the Parmi world.


The Summit Customer Retention event in September

2023 was also marked by an event we're proud of.

Molsoft presented its flagship event of the year: the Customer Retention Summit.

We were delighted to bring together partners from inspiring and technology-driven companies such as Shopify Plus, Rebuy, ReCharge, Rewind, Gorgias, and Plobal apps, to discuss best practices in customer retention, loyalty, and satisfaction.

The Customer Retention Summit was open to customer relationship management professionals, offering the opportunity to gain new knowledge, share ideas, and create fruitful partnerships.

Stay tuned for upcoming events in 2024 by subscribing to our newsletter.


Launch of the NAAK customized tool

Näak and Molsoft have joined forces to create a revolutionary personalized nutrition tool for athletes tackling long-distance races. It was an exciting challenge for the Molsoft team.

The results include a product recommendation system with an algorithm for optimal nutrient intake, seamless integration with the Näak website via Shopify metaobjects without the need for a third-party application, fast shopping cart integration for recommended products, and performance tracking to fine-tune athlete’s strategy.

Fill in the questionnaire and see how Molsoft has built a customized tool for Näak athletes to optimize their performance.


Migration and complete overhaul of the Oberson website

Proud of this major project. In October, we took on the exciting challenge of migrating and completely redesigning the Oberson site. The project presented unique challenges, including managing a vast product catalog, integrating a complex connector, and implementing the Givex application.

The results speak for themselves and testify to our ability to overcome complex obstacles to deliver quality solutions to our customers.

Our favorites: 

  • Product comparator tool
  • GiveX integration
  • Real-time in-store inventory display
  • AI search and merchandising tool

Visit their site today and be inspired. 


Finally, we would like to express our deep gratitude to everyone who has contributed to Molsoft's success in 2023. We look forward to continuing to work with you and meeting new challenges in 2024. Thank you for being part of the Molsoft family. 

Best wishes for the New Year!

The Molsoft team